Monday, December 7

English through Drama

Here's a section for you to share teaching ideas about the use of Drama and theatre in the English class. First of all, let's watch this vid:

For further information, have a look at this blog

Saturday, November 21


This a section for you to have a look at the European Language Portfolio. To start with, let's watch this Daniel Cassany's video:

Monday, June 22

Friday, May 1

How to make a leaflet for the 3rd ESO

At the A2 level of the Common Framework, we can ask our students to write a sports leaflet to advertise any sportscentre everywhere. Here are some steps you can follow, using the textbook as a support.

A Casa das Linguas

Below you can have a look at some different language houses, where languages are spoken all over the world. To create these houses we need time and effort. This takes so longer as you build your language domain and competences.